012 When the unborn baby is affected by some malformation
        wouldn't it be better to have an abortion in order to
        spare him or her a life unworthy of a human being?

a) Faced with a handicap, what solution should we choose as the more humane: kill the infant or help him to lead the best life possible taking into consideration his abilities? If the mother or family do not feel they have the strength to meet this situation, must society drive them into a corner with a desperate solution by leaving them to carry the full weight all alone, or, on the contrary, should it try to help them undertake it?

b) The really tragic thing is that, in certain milieux, the infant is reduced to a consumer good: it is wanted if it gives pleasure. It's like a video or a car: if it pleases it is accepted; if not, it is aborted.

The infant affected by some malformation is nonetheless a member, entirely on its own, of the human species; it deserves to live like all other human beings. If we eliminate it because of its malformation, we will eliminate those who do not have the hoped-for color of skin or sex. In short, it isn't the handicapped child but the handicap that is not wanted.

c) Let us take the example of infants with Down's syndrome. What gives us the right to decide that they will be unhappy? If we ask their parents, we find that the overwhelming majority of them say that these children are happy: they ignore what causes problems for "normal" people! Moreover, most of these parents are happy with their child, which is almost always also taken care of by brothers and sisters. Children with Down's syndrome have also been known to be the cause of reconciliation of couples whose relationship was unstable.

Infants reduced to a vegetative life have been known to totally transform the life of their parents who, welcoming them with all their hearts, are now intent that no infant be rejected.

d) This question is also in line with the preceding one in the sense that one can wonder what makes an existence worthy of man. Certainly, there are tragic cases and lives whose meaning, from a human viewpoint, we have great difficulty in discerning. But isn't it very presumptuous to say that just because we cannot see it, the meaning is nonexistent? Doesn't that manifest an intellectual and moral decision whose conclusions cannot be rationally justified? And then where do you draw the line beyond which existence is unworthy of man? A woman in France agreed to an abortion because the infant she carried risked being sterile!

MOTIVES FOR BIRTH CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popmotives.html
WE BELONG TO GOD: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin950918-webelongtogod.html
THE FIRST ENVIRONMENT: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin940605-environ.html
RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5S-rpdef.html
LIFE BEFORE BIRTH: http://www.simbahayan.org/LBB1-nidation.html
HUMAN DIGNITY: http://www.simbahayan.org/B1-humandignity.html
UNWANTED PREGNANCY: http://www.ohiolife.org/qa/qa18.htm
FETAL PAIN: http://www.ohiolife.org/qa/qa10.htm