I. The Unborn Child
003   Is the unborn child a human being?

004   Why do certain supporters of abortion cast doubt on the human character of the unborn infant?

005   Does progress in biological science permit us to maintain any doubt about the human character of the infant before birth?

006   Is abortion justified when the conceived infant is not wanted?

007   Isn't the wanted child the fruit of responsible parenthood?

008   With the techniques of medically assisted procreation available, isn't it normal for parents to demand an infant of perfect quality?

009   How does the desire for a perfect infant lead to abortion?

010   We have become sensitive to the quality of life. Many conceived infants will be unhappy and will not have a life of quality. Doesn't abortion prevent this problem and solve it?

011   In the name of having a right to a life of quality, should we not refuse life to someone for whom nothing but suffering or handicap is foreseen?

012   When the unborn baby is affected by some malformation wouldn't it be better to resort to abortion in order to spare him or her a life unworthy of a human being?

013   Prenatal diagnosis enables us to detect Down's Syndrome. With such scientific progress does one have the right to let an infant live who will be a burden for his parents and whose own life will never develop?