040 Law reflects morals. Since abortion has become an
        accepted part of our morals, should it not be legalized?

One thing is certain in this matter: morals often follow the law: "In modifying it," claims Simone Veil, "you can change the pattern of human behavior".1 The best observers are in accord in recognizing that in France many of the women who undergo abortion would have found another solution had it not been for liberalized abortion laws.

A democratic state recognizes the rights of its members to life, liberty and the security of their property. Such a state does not arrogate to itself the prerogative of declaring who, among the innocent, has the right to live or who can be put to death. Nor does it arrogate the right to define who has the right to steal, to rape, or to kill. The state that would act in such a way would lose its democratic quality; for to integrate into law such infractions could not but favor the multiplication of the same infractions to the detriment of persons and property. But such is the fragility of democracy that it can even make for itself laws that put its own existence in peril.

To enter on this path can lead very far indeed, for whenever one allows the elimination of unborn infants, one will quickly allow (it is allowed already) the death of the abnormal newborn, the incurably sick, the elderly - "all of them a burden to society."

Times, March 3, 1975.


HIPPOCRATIC & IDEOLOGICAL MEDICINE: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-hippomed.html
MOTIVES FOR POPULATION CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popmotives.html
DR JUAN FLAVIER IN CAIRO 1994: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-flavierincairo94.html
AGAINST THE POPULATION BILL: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin961022-popbill.html
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-legisprocess.html
PRO-CHOICE LOBBY GROUP: http://www.infoteam.com/nonprofit/plcpd/
U.N. "POPSPEAK" DICTIONARY: http://www.popin.org/~unpopterms
1999 POPULATION BILL: http://www.simbahayan.org/HB8110.html
1999 ABORTION BILL: http://www.simbahayan.org/aborbill.html
VARIOUS SLIDES: http://www.simbahayan.org/defenslides.html
U.S. INTERVENTION: http://www.usaid-ph.gov/phn/directory.html
U.N. INTERVENTION: http://www.unfpa.org/front/links.htm
