089 Since the demographic situation of Europe is so grave,
        why are so few politicians concerned about it?

The lack of attention shown by most European politicians to these demographic problems is really staggering. There are different reasons for that. First of all, most politicians perceive the problems connected with respect for life, not in function of the common good but in function of their electorate. If concern for the common good prevailed among them, the long term would be favored and the demographic problems would receive the proper attention they deserve. But politicians are generally more sensitive to the short and medium term. They care more about their own particular good, their re-election, and then pleasing the electorate whom they must seduce in view of the next election.

Even Christian politicians who should have specific reasons to be concerned about these questions, often give proof of softness in these matters. The various national and European parliaments have given a thousand examples of this. In particular it is perfectly scandalous that Christian politicians have affixed their signatures to the laws regulating abortion.

Finally, we must never lose sight of the fact that cultivated ignorance is the superior form of voluntary servitude, although we must acknowledge that it finds formidable rivals in bad faith, corruption and lack of courage. 1

1 See Alfred Sauvy, "Démographie et refus de voir", in L'Enjeu démographique, published by l'Association pour la recherche et l'information démographique, Paris, 1981.

THE FIRST ENVIRONMENT: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin940605-environ.html
WE BELONG TO GOD: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin950918-webelongtogod.html
THREE LEVELS OF DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-conbirpop.html
VATICAN DECLARATION ON DECREASE OF FERTILITY: http://www.petersnet.net/research/retrieve.cfm?recnum=342
POPULATION CONTROL IN THE PHILIPPINES: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popconphils.html
POPULATION ORGS IN THE PHILIPPINES: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popconphils2.html
MOTIVES FOR POPULATION CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popmotives.html
US NATIONAL SECURITY STUDY MEMO 200: http://members.theglobe.com/nssm200
POPULATION CONTROL IS GENOCIDE: http://www.globalafrica.com/PopCnGen.htm
PHILIPPINE ANNUAL GROWTH RATE: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5S-pgrphils.html
PHILIPPINE TOTAL FERTILITY RATE: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5S-tfrphils.html
1998 CIA WORLD FACTBOOK: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook
THE OVERPOPULATION MYTH: http://www.ohiolife.org/overpop/overpop.htm
WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS DYING: http://www.ohiolife.org/qa/qa20.htm
BIOPIRACY: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-biopiracy01.html