084 Does this fear of population growth in the Third World
        involve certain countries in particular?

a) The Report of the National Security Council, also called the Kissinger Report explains that developing countries must be the first targeted by the anti-birth campaigns:

Emphasis must be placed primarily on the developing countries that are the biggest and that grow more rapidly and where the disequilibrium between the increasing number [of in-habitants) and the development potential entails the most serious risks of instability, unrest and international tensions. These countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, The Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.1

b) As important as it is, this report is not unique in its kind; numerous other documents confirm a constant determination among certain North American authorities2

1 The document NSSM 200, known under the title Report of the National Security Council or the Kissinger Report, carries the title, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. It was elaborated in 1974 at the request of Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, and was made public 15 years later. This same report provided the occasion of an excellent dossier on demography that appeared in Le Temps de l'Église n° 8, (April 1993) 28-43.

2 We will content ourselves with mentioning a few documents more recent than the Kissinger Report: Gerald O. Barney (ed.), Global 2000. The Report to the President, with a Foreword by Jimmy Carter (Arlington: Seven Locks Press, 1991 [1st ed. in 1980]); Shanti Conly, J. Joseph Speidel, Sharon L. Camp, U.S. Population Assistance: Issues for the 1990s (Washington: Population Crisis Committee [today; Population Action International], 1991); Office of Population, Bureau for Research and Development, User's Guide to the Office of Population, January 1993 (Washington: Agency for International Development, 1993). See also the statement presented by Timothy Wirth on May 11, 1993, to the second committee preparing for the International Conference in Cairo (Sept. 5-13, 1994) on population and development. This text was distributed as a press release by the US Mission to the United Nations Organization and bears the n° 63-93). Betsy Hartmann devoted a remarkably documented article on these questions: "Population Control as Foreign Policy", Covert Action, n° 39 (Winter 1991-1992) 26-30.

THE FIRST ENVIRONMENT: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin940605-environ.html
WE BELONG TO GOD: http://www.simbahayan.org/sin950918-webelongtogod.html
THREE LEVELS OF DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-conbirpop.html
VATICAN DECLARATION ON DECREASE OF FERTILITY: http://www.petersnet.net/research/retrieve.cfm?recnum=342
POPULATION CONTROL IN THE PHILIPPINES: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popconphils.html
POPULATION ORGS IN THE PHILIPPINES: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popconphils2.html
MOTIVES FOR POPULATION CONTROL: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-popmotives.html
US NATIONAL SECURITY STUDY MEMO 200: http://members.theglobe.com/nssm200
POPULATION CONTROL IS GENOCIDE: http://www.globalafrica.com/PopCnGen.htm
PHILIPPINE ANNUAL GROWTH RATE: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5S-pgrphils.html
PHILIPPINE TOTAL FERTILITY RATE: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5S-tfrphils.html
1998 CIA WORLD FACTBOOK: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook
THE OVERPOPULATION MYTH: http://www.ohiolife.org/overpop/overpop.htm
WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS DYING: http://www.ohiolife.org/qa/qa20.htm
BIOPIRACY: http://www.simbahayan.org/B5-biopiracy01.html